High Temp Products

Linear Systems
Mar 17, 2023
High Temp Discrete Products
High Temperature Product Capability
FREMONT, Calif., April 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Linear Integrated Systems, Inc. (Linear Systems) will be showcasing its High Temperature Products capability at the Trendsetter Electronics Booth #4728, at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) being held May 7 through May 9 at the NGR Park, Houston, Texas.
These High Temperature Discrete Products enable designers to create custom discrete operational amplifiers when seeking a solution to improve the performance of their applications, when off the shelve operational amplifiers are not good enough.
The Linear Systems' JFET product line is one of the largest in the industry and continues to expand. The unique Linear Systems' monolithic dual construction allows for two JFETs to be located on one piece of silicon, as compared to two individual pieces of silicon. The result is improved room temperature matching as well as improved matching/tracking over high temperature. Linear Systems' JFETs are available in various types: Ultra Low Noise (1.9nv-typ), High Impedance, Pico Amp Leakage, and High Frequency. The JFET product line includes both N-Channel Monolithic Duals and Singles and P-Channel Monolithic Duals and Singles for Amplifier and Switching Applications.
Linear Systems will be available to discuss this capability and its line of precision small-signal discrete components at the OTC event. The event showcases offshore drilling, exploration, production and environmental protection manufacturers.
Linear Systems specializes in the development and manufacture of precision, ultra-low-noise small-signal discrete components. Its parts, such as the LSK389 and LSK489, are used in highly demanding sensor systems ranging from the Large-Scale Synoptic Telescope to piezoelectric devices to sonobuoys. These parts also provide the front-end amplification for down hole, high-end test and measurement, sensor, medical and professional audio equipment.
Linear Systems is a full-service, privately-held, 32-year-old designer and manufacturer of small-signal discrete semiconductors. The Fremont, CA-based company was founded by John H. Hall, co-founder of Intersil and founder of Micro Power Systems.
Linear Systems' product line consists of: Ultra-Low-Noise JFETs: N-Channel and P-Channel Monolithic Dual and Single, High-Speed Lateral DMOS Switches, Bipolar Transistors : Monolithic Dual and Single, BIFET Amplifiers, Current-Regulating Diodes, Pico Amp-Leakage Diodes, MOSFETs: N-Channel and P-Channel Monolithic Dual and Single, PhotoFETS, and Voltage Controlled Resistors.  Data sheets, application notes, SPICE models and other information can be downloaded at linearsystems.com.Â
For more information about Linear Systems please contact Ms. Laura Madonna at laura@linearsystems.com. For customer service, please contact Linear Systems at sales@linearsystems.com or call (510) 490-9160.   Â
SOURCE Linear Integrated Systems
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